Monday, September 26, 2016

Antikythera Shipwreck Skeleton

Don’t see what the big deal about it is.
Don’t they have other skeletons
from that era?
People expect bones to be around 
for a long time, but cemeteries
last longer than the bones in them do.

Monday, September 12, 2016

For the Love of a Fiddle

But yesterday I played a gig with Sherry and Don and Rosa, a young woman recently out of school.
I’d given Rosa on indefinite loan
an interesting fiddle I wasn’t using—
that is, marked and gouged 
to make it look older than it was,
Caspar da Salo carved on the back.
Mark Wagar told me,
possibly made in Eastern Europe fifty to a hundred years ago—
top too heavy for it ever to be valuable, but a genuine
attempt at a Caspar da Salo copy (early 18th-century
Italian maker pre-dating Stradivarius; most cheap violins
are Stradivarius copies). And my friend, Dr. Wendy Adams,
a classical violinist, once said she liked
the big, pleasant sound it made.
Da Salo had a characteristic double purfling
around the top—Lee Guthrie told me it was painted on
(I don't think he looked closely), but Mark said, no,
someone took the trouble to do an entire
double inlay—hours of work.
The antiquing job was probably by a later seller.
So, evidently, built with love from factory-cut materials.
Rosa said she was keeping it at the Celtic Junction,
using it as her teaching fiddle.
Warmed my heart to hear.

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Poems Like Tooth Necklaces

rhymes with
Bones and words
can be strung,
like stones.
Bones are brittler
than sticks
or stones.

Friday, September 9, 2016

The Skeleton Hangs It Up

Voluble Skeleton

if not

Skeleton on Cloud 9
You can learn a lot about bones
from building one of those plastic model skeletons.
But don’t sniff the airplane glue.

What the Skeleton Is
The nadir of material existence.
Neither flesh
nor spirit.

When Did the Skeleton Exist?
The moment a particle
of light touched
a particle of lime.

The Skeleton’s Journey to the Afterlife
I had to pass through gates
made of deer antlers,
like in Jackson, Wyoming.

What the Skeleton Will Be After the Fireworks
Not separate
bones anymore—a slightly radioactive
sea bed.

Skeleton Bride, Skeleton Bridegroom
The miracle at Cana
only mimicked the crucial change:
blood to love.

Marriage of the Ghost and the Skeleton
The heart
of a phantom
is beating!

The Skeleton’s Song
On that Resurrection morning when all dead in Christ shall rise,
I’ll have a new body,
I’ll have a new life.

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Skeleton in a Car Seat

We dug up some
old Indian 
and strapped them in the car seat.
It was creepy.
It looked like we were poaching
skeleton babies.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Some Exemplary Ghosts

Old Poison-Ear,
in a bad spot, really ticked off.
“Remember me!” he said.
Did Hamlet’s father shout or scream
those final words to his son?
How do actors pronounce them?
An actor can intone
“Remember me!” but no living human being
could shout or scream it.
The dead woman in “Cold Blows the Wind”
whose lover hangs around her grave
a twelfth month and a day.
“All I want is a kiss from your clay-
cold lips,”
he insists.
“My lips are much colder than you think,” she says.
“The black hole of my heart
will rip the life from you.”
Tiresias, whom Odysseus consults about his future.
“Odysseus shalt return through spiteful Neptune,
lose all companions.”

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

The Skeleton on Ghosts

Difference Between Skeletons and Ghosts

A skeleton can’t be
colder than the clay.
A ghost can.

What Skeletons Know and Ghosts Deny

The only good
thing about us is
our beating hearts.

Monday, September 5, 2016

The Eclipse

I picked a berry from a bush,
a wild blackberry it was, plump and full of juice.
So delicate it was!
I thought it would collapse
upon itself and be all marred;
and surely it was half marred already
(if it ever had been swollen, perfect,
before I touched it).
Its juice stained my fingers from a bruised place in the flesh:
more and more limp,
and lost the perfect dome,
and now half the tiny bulbs all wet and crushed.

At first at least
a potential magnificence,
thriving on its stem,
when, as soon touched,
as no eye could save it, the care folly
that tried to set it right.
Chagrinned, I ate it
to salve my disappointment.
Then I looked again at the bush
and the trees around it,
at the sky
and the clouds in the sky.
Nothing looked quite right,
so I wandered on.

Then it seemed to me that the whole world was a marred blackberry,
since the sky didn't look quite right,
not just not quite right, but not right at all;
and the blackberry
that I had eaten lay foul in the dirt,
the whole globe mashed,
and burst were all the tiny bulbs,
their sweet liquor brackish, mixed with loam,
the pink dome
becoming earth-rot, vanishing, vacuous:
And purified all expectation,
no mirror any longer for desire.
The blackberry was not,
and gone with it all swollen, bulbous blacks,
not into earth either, the earth too, the earth itself
vaporized, and gone all ammonia stench,
the methanes diffused away.
And not one sense remained to tell
that any fruit had ever been to pluck.

The emptiness then was like
a thrust up into broad air
after down stroke of arms,
a kicking back into a cloud,
a propulsion upon waste.
The disappearance of the blackberry was like
entering a thicket.
And I oozed through the insensate dark,
emerging into a clearing,
to a slightly new sky
and another blackberry bush.

about 1985

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Napoleon Bonies and Others

Does a Skeleton Cast a Shadow?

but it isn’t
scared of it.

Can a Skeleton Be a Masochist?

No, it doesn’t
enjoy the luxury
of pain.

Bonaparte, the Skeleton

1. How Do You Spell Napoleon’s Nickname?

Webster says “bony,” but my grandmother remembers,
“If you don’t behave yourself, Boney’ll get you!”
She was born when Boney was still on the rampage.

2. How We Remember Boney

In a cocked hat, with his hand
inside his jacket, grasping
the wire holding his bones together.

3. Young Boney

Bonier in his early campaigns—Italy, Austria;
till, amid the wastage of Russia and Spain,
Boney got fat, and his luck ran out.

4. After St. Helena

Where can Boney put his armies now,
without his sleevies 

of skin?

Bone or Ash (in Dust or Chunks)

In memoriam C.J. Banjoff

You can’t reduce
a skeleton much
by burning it.

Saturday, September 3, 2016


Young dental hygiene assistant Laura
likes the challenge
whitish hair tucked under blue paper cap
gray mask
me lying head-in-the-lobe-rests
I should have said head-in-a-vise
Randy Quaid
Mule Mulhall
come on Buddusky

requested no anesthetic
Laura starting right in
shouldering into her work
water pic my gumline
nam myoho renge kyo
nifty flashy blue-handled scrapers
I can see out the corner
my watery eye
feet clamped
sandaled toes
swaying in the precise arcs of Laura’s
pebbly scraping as she
stares down at me
through tubular magnifying lenses
really just seems to scratch an itch
skeletons dancing behind my eyes
my Barbaric Yawp reading why’d
I play so hard to get?
and what else did I do
but post a supercilious poem
on the Gettable Peach page?
I was asking for it
and got it too
then it won’t hurt no more
suction tube whistling in my left cheek
some dumb cluck kid
too beaten down and terrorized
to know what he wants
beautiful junior high girl
who played Hero in the park
lovely low area in the grass
actors running barefoot into Shakespeare’s
virtual Messina
today twenty years belatedly
complimenting her on her interpretation
silly self-conscious pre-adolescent child
angel or whore which is crueler?
working in the gift store now
bloody marks on feet and wrists
suddenly running for his life
but it’s amazing how good pain feels
when you aren’t afraid anymore.

Friday, September 2, 2016

Banjo (Skeleton Light, Come!)

Banjos and Skeletons Are the Same Thing

A banjo is made out of metal, same as a skeleton.
But keep the drum head tight, or else
the brackets’ll do the limbo walk.

The Talking Dumb

Dry bones in the valley got up and took a little walk.
And the deaf could hear
and the dumb in that valley could talk.

Can a Jaw Bone Talk by Itself?

Without a tongue, no way!
But two rib bones can, when this old man
plays knick-knack on my spine.

Thursday, September 1, 2016

The Skeleton Visits the Minnesota State Fair

Skeleton in the Minnesota DNR Barn

Lookit that
snapping turtle

International Pavilion: Skeleton Asking About the Croaking Frogs

Different pitches and timbres depending on size
and material, wood or stone.
But no croaking frogs made of bone.

Now that the Artist Formerly Known as Prince Has Joined the Clattering Clacking Crew. . .

1. Grim Wager

We made a bet: How many
Prince portraits in the crop art exhibit?
Five, I won! Plus Prince’s Cloud Guitar.

2. What kinds of Popcorn Were in the Prince Portrait That Won a Purple Merit Ribbon?

Parching Lavender Mandan,
Early Pink Pearl,
Dakota Black.

3. Confusing Symbol

The Prince symbol’s on a mitten
hanging in the knitting area,
but it looks like an anchor crossed with a flugelhorn.

Skeleton on a Stick

Superfluous? I wish.
They forgot to to take the bone out
of my Pronto Pup.