Thursday, September 28, 2017

Well-Mannered Kids (the St. Thomas University School Year Has Begun)

something faintly fetid-smelling
fall leaves swirling in eddies 
far below
this jagged limestone rim

not as hard on my back as it might be
sunny spot
t-shirt folded under my tush
fresh charcoal-pile right there at the edge

someone had a party here not long ago
how friendly it must have been!
boys and girls together

in shorts barefoot, such
sweet pheromones in the air! 
but I swear
no one took their pants off

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Late September Poem

colder today, kept my t-shirt on
with my snap-button jean shirt
raggy-faggy high-cut shorts
long-ago dream
driving with a girl endlessly through town
trying to find a place to stop and make out
but it was just me
went through my selfies
me in a store window
black shape like a handbag
beautiful left foot flexed on its ball
what a pretty boy I am!
at sixty-five years of age,
not a boy at all

Monday, September 25, 2017


only an ear
eyes shut
other’s voice bringing
the Gospel news
vision not
of the eye
Word only
your eyes
your glowing limbs

Monday, September 18, 2017

Venus Holds Sway Over the Cyprian Heights

Cypri munimenta sortita est

Trapped in the tub
by rain this morning,
course charted
by sirens, thence outward
and unto Circe

(but why does Pound have
Odysseus sail backwards?);
the whole crew
would troop to shore
after those hellcats,
tawny voices
stopped in beeswax—
I alone hearing
the forbidden strains,
but I can’t move my limbs.

Friday, September 15, 2017

Dewey's Shakespearean Pun

They said, take a walk, you fox!
went out barefoot in cut-offs
on sidewalks, mostly

soles tough


grass parkway
unbutton shirt

pavement again
foot prints 

change to air

Thursday, September 14, 2017

for the trees

to convey
a forest

reality rich

smothered in
like snow


corpuscle sun
in heat haze

no trees to
be seen

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Dewey's Live Wake

late September, sitting
out by their compost
what could be more like
Huckleberry, asleep
in his hogshead?
fly on their right big

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Honey-Dew and Sooty-Mold

For he on honey-dew hath fed
And drunk the milk of paradise.

A financial planner advised us that, with medical advances,
people will soon live well past a hundred years,
so we’ll have to save even more for retirement—
a horrifying possibility for me,
as I retired four and a half years ago.
Greasy black veneer over everything—
sidewalks, deck boards, plants, lawn furniture—
we thought from oil combustion, but Robin
talked to an arborist at the State Fair,
and it turns out the veneer is sooty-mold,
a type of fungus that grows in honey-dew,
substance secreted by a variety of aphids
after they ingest plant sap.

It’s true that the sidewalk is almost black with it,
a bit tacky on the soles of my feet as I walk
outside at any time of day. The sooty-mold tinge
gives the whole yard an antiqued look—
if I removed it I’d damage the value—
especially dark on the stones of our little garden circle,
where you can see the insect damage
and the discoloration from the sooty-mold
on the leaves of an overhanging bush,
sticky as they are with the honey-dew the fungi drink.

And it brightens my whole outlook to know,
I walk barefoot every day in the leavings
of billions of invisibly tiny bugs,
their sweet dung inhabited by such dark accretion,
day by day more distinct, as if constituting

whatever is venerable about my days—
devouring the least fear
that I might live forever.

Monday, September 11, 2017

What’s John Writing II (Come, All Ye Salty Sailors!)

Dewey want to see the writing
any writing can be the writing
maybe, sometimes the writing sees

whatever writing Dewey doing
Dewey almost
never stop writing

writing the revolution
writing the end times
writing the heart


Dewey a scribe
for their tribe?

Dewey not
employed by the Tribe
in any scribing capacity

Dewey don’t submit their scribbles
to the Tribe
for publication

why do Dewey write?
ain’t their writing mostly
an embarrassment for them?

Dewey everyman?
no, have to be

everydude, everyfella?
no, everyone:
that's the gambit

as far as they’re concerned
Dewey are

suppose Dewey should plan a performance
and invite all their friends
on social media?

if their friends didn’t
would Dewey be mad?

Dewey don’t expect
their friends
to come

think of Dewey’s own evenings—
so luxurious not to have to
go somewhere!

but how can Dewey be
if no one comes?

Dewey themselves
come synecdochally
they come and come and come

Saturday, September 9, 2017

The Worst-Best Thing About Dewey's New Life at Sea

Its unsettledness,
having to navigate the rocks,
my own and everyone else’s feelings and expectations—
bad as Odysseus.
Odysseus had his Circe and Calypso—
Calypso was a sweet chick—
I could almost have spent my whole life with her,
but, feeling kept and urged by duty,
escaped and landed with Nausicaa’s Philistines—
thence home to Penelope.

Odeweysus always finds it best
to take things at face value.
Might have to pay too much—
real and face value may not agree—
maybe even in their own favor. . .
I take myself at face value,
but who set the price?
Don’t know what the actual cost will be,
but the real value is at least one orgasm per day,
wherever I’m at home.

Friday, September 8, 2017

Monday, September 4, 2017

What the Skeleton Wanted Out of Life

my body to be loved
was that
too much to ask?

when I was buried
in the ground the bugs
loved me unconditionally

now I’m down
bones and hair 
there’s nothing but love left

Dewey's Summer Project

Got fed up with my
composting bin—swinging
metal-capsule thing.

Old system better
a big hole in the ground. Just
needed a lining.

Went to Menards. First
thing I saw was a wooden
loading pallet.Sawn

into four pieces,
that would be perfect, I thought.
Bought one for five bucks.

Wouldn’t fit in my
car, though. Kid cut it in half
with a power saw.

Once home, I hand-sawed
it into four suitable
pieces. Oak is hard!

Had to wait a week
because of fledgling blue-jays
in the apple tree.

Then I worked in the
garage for hours. Had to pry
a lot of nails out.

Then I dug a wide
hole in a corner of the 
garden that gets sun.

The sides I salvaged
from the skid worked fine. I was
plenty proud, I’ll say!

Pretty-looking too
bright wooden teeth above ground-
level—a big mouth.

It accepts what I
put into it—coffee grounds,
corn shucks, apples, grass-

clippings from the lawn
mower. Now and then, I turn
it with a pitch-fork.

It’s almost full now,
but I believe that it will
always accept more.

Soon, I myself will
lie in a warm hole like that,
bugs nibbling my toes.

Sunday, September 3, 2017

Dewey Can't Bear to Look

lids squeezed tight
barely peeking
snowy pink aura on everything

salvage of the summer
around them

oh we drove em nine miles
then we stacked em
up in piles

old Paint’s a good pony
and he paces
when he can

their feet propped
on a chair
as usual

arcs of nails
so white so hard
such a soft rosy glow

the tambourine
given to Annie

good morning young lady
my pony 
won’t stand

or to
the little girl 
Annie was watching

tambourine still in their car trunk
they were going to say guitar trunk
buried inside their cowboy hat

the metal button-
nosed pig right there 
beyond the porch rail


the words they didn’t say
you know
I fall easy