Sunday, July 3, 2016

The Yeshiva Bucher: a Glossary

Balbatish: Having admirable traditional virtues. Are you kidding?

Baruch Ha-Shem: Inshallah. Why not?

Bashert: Destined shmoonie. Chagal roses, waiting out the poor Bucher’s seven-year Torah course.

Beytsim: Balls. He didn’t have them.

Broches: Prayers. Sounds like “broaches.” A little bling the clueless, broke Bucher can’t buy for the Bashert.

Studying to be a Cantor: What a catch!

Farfufflah and farmisht: Wandering Jew in brown suede coat.

Blowing weed out the shwartze fentster.

Freig nisht, ich darf neitig pishen.

Ha-shem: The name. For what?

Naches: Luck. Man of no fortune, with a name to come.

Not much Saychel, either: Brains of a nay-geboym beibi.

Shana punim: For which he keeps custody of his eyes.

Wore a Shmatta, ate Shluff, beat his Shlong. A Shmendrick for sure!

ShmoonieShmoonda. His fondest wish.

He’d walk out and sit all night wordless: a Stummie.

Voo den? Wha’d you expect?

Yadnitze: Vagina? No, Russian. More “backside.” Shmoonie it is then.