Friday, April 21, 2017

5-7-5 Haiku(s)

Living with covid:
being a mouse in a house
with cat in it.
Poets' emotions:
more worthy of attention
than other people's.

Problem with Graves's White
Goddess is, she's white. We need
a Nut-Brown Goddess.

sang for three hours
baby with us the whole time
never fussed a bit
I refuse to join
any group that assigns star-
status to people.
Star-status might be
ironic star-status. That’s
one problem with it.

white people making
fried cornmeal balls and calling
them hummus puppies

I love the fairway.
Ev'rything rolls off of it,
espeshly my ball.

Thumping banjos heard
from tent. Leopard frogs. Couldn't
decipher the tunes.

If the medium
is the message, the message
has to be Facebook.

Whose ever face gets
posted on Facebook the most
wins the election.
Parallel eaters
take planful measured bites of
all the foods at once.

Serial eaters
take dedicated bites of
one food till it’s gone.
For a suffering
poet, making everyone
sick is redemptive.
poesis—maid rite
take browned ground beef and sliced cheese
make a sloppy po’
People can misspell
Michael on a marker. I'm sure
it's often been done.
Taxidermy. Your
baby’s shoes ain’t no heirloom
till you shellac ‘em.


Adam and Eve in
the Garden before they had
to start having sex

I don't want mankind
to survive, because it'll
be people like you.
If he'd had any
self-respect, he would have died
a long time ago.
I am so blessed by
the new friends I've made! How can
I not die happy?
Please don't let me go
through life as nothing but an
underwear wardrobe.

Woe be to any
Hebrew woman who marries
a Philistine man!

Woe be to them in
whom I read my own sins. My
scourge is merciless.


Some existential
morsel. My musical voice.
The caution of death.


I'll talk, peons, you
listen. I'm the poet, you're
my fit audience.


Yup, I want power.
Faustian bargain, though, I'm
going to Hell now.


Some people think they're
heavyweights, but most of 'em
are just big fatsos.


The poets I know
don't get the medium-is-
the-message message.


They said it was one
of the handful of longest 
teeth they'd ever seen.


His heart is a soft
pillow. He uses it to 
suffocate his friends.


I have no urge to
rest, only to forge ahead.
I may soon be dead.


They kept promoting
me, and the more they did the
more I wanted out.


Competition does
not inspire me. It just makes
me want to give up.


A successful team
always includes at least one
squirrel and one moose.


We didn't know we
were having an affair, so
it ended badly.


My robe and crown have
gone missing. I look like shit
in 'em anyway.