Friday, April 21, 2017

Dewey's April 21, 2017

I never knew
Prince wrote What if God was one of us,
just a slave like one of us?
(me having to sing slob not slave).
Nor can I remember
the singer who had a hit with that song
when my daughters were kids—
Prince so slick! Now dead. Perfection
graphicized and preserved forever
in video. As it was, I
missed the living Prince, pretty much,
even though I worked practically
across the street from Paisley Park
in Chanhassen in the ‘80’s—
decade my mother died
(to broach a topic) after declaring
me to be a "good businessman,"
me having been motivated to audit mother’s
not inconsiderable estate—business
in high odor in those Reagan days
even owned four business suits—how
was I supposed to know
they were bad suits?—wardrobe a black box
to me then as now—
same as fiddles: the one
I'm used to always sounds the best.
But what a performer
Prince was! I can perform, I
can be fun to watch. But I
could never be perfect like Prince,
with a guitar 
that’s both a vagina
and a Cupid’s dart.